
sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010

Follow me on Saturday: Your Song.

I will suHRvive!

Welcome to the English version of SobreviviRRHHé! In Spanish RRHH stands for "Recursos Humanos" now traslated to the HR of "Human Resources".

Welcome to our very special summary of the week, a very fun way to explain to our foreign visitors what we were discussing this week.

Sunday, 5th of December: Domingo con... Gloria Gaynor. [Sunday with... Gloria Gaynor]Sunday's post is dedicated to someone or something special. Today is the opportunity to talk about @doctorajomeini. She asked me a very special song for her: I will survive, by Gloria Gaynor. Please, don't forget to send your request by tweet to @goroji
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Monday, 6th of December: Manteniendo las distancias. [Keeping distance]: We lay hands on the head with the following headline: "Spread Cheer, Not Germs, at Holiday Gatherings."  You're likely looking forward to spending plenty of time with family and friends over the holidays, but you should take steps to ensure you and everyone else avoids getting the flu, advises an expert at Ryerson University in Toronto.
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Tuesday, 7th of December: Coherencia y sostenibilidad. [Consistency and sustainability]: The European Union countries have expressed their opposition to extending maternity leave from 14 to 20 weeks to consider economic consequences too great given the current crisis and that does not favor the incorporation of women into the labor market.
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Wednesday, 8th of December: Aspirinas contra el cancer. [Aspirin against cancer]: Treatment with daily aspirin for 5 years or longer reduces subsequent risk of colorectal cancer. Several lines of evidence suggest that aspirin might also reduce risk of other cancers, particularly of the gastrointestinal tract, but proof in man is lacking. We studied deaths due to cancer during and after randomised trials of daily aspirin versus control done originally for prevention of vascular events.[Page Loads: 122]

Thursday, 9th of December: Tiburón sanitario. [Shark health]: Reading an article in Medical Journal a bit forced me to reflect on the differences between private medicine and public medicine ... or more specifically, about the treatment the doctor gives the patient is already in place the NHS or already in his own private practice.
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Friday, 10th of December: Entre pillos anda el juego. [Trading Places game]: December 31 is the last day for infants receiving assistance from the 2,500 euros which gives the government, and of course, we know that if anything left over in this country is the rogue. It seems that he has unleashed a movement of tips and tricks to advance the delivery of the baby, but of course, all is not without risk.
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The song of the week: Your Song, by Ellie Goulding:

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