
sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

Follow me on Saturday: the first time.

Well, this is an experiment and María, from Biblioteca Médica Virtual is the responsible. She started the last week her Sunday Post, which is the way to explain to our foreing visitor what about was we talking during the week.

What a wonderful idea. Why don't we do the same?

First of all, we are very sorry about our mistakes, but even in spanish we sometimes wrote incorrectly, why not in english? We could improving our english level, and this is a very funny way to practise it.

Sunday, 27th of June: In the Closet: On sunday, we always play our musical vídeo post. This time in memorian to Michael Jackson and the date of his dead, one year ago.

Monday, 28th of June: Innovando en talento / Innovation on talent: in this post we talk about our experience a year ago in AGORA TALENTIA NAVARRA. In this congress we took the opportunity to know the World Café Europe, who aims to create space to stimulate collective dreaming, conversation and action in the spirit of the World Café in and between organizations and communities about questions that matter across Europe.

Tuesday, 29th of June: Pepito piscinas: a great opportunity to report how the press resort to sensationalist headlines to capture readers. In this occasion, about swimming pool, lice and fungus in childhood.

Wednesday, 30th of June: Algo huele a podrido en Dinamarca / Something is rotten in the state of Denmark: my personal complains about the hospital where I work, Fundación Hospital Calahorra.

Thursday, 1st of July: ¿Linchamiento moral? / Is this moral lynching?:  the history about the sports reporter Sara Carbonero and her boyfriend Iker Casillas, the Spain's World Cup goalkeeper, and how the press attack her job at the world championship in Africa.

Friday, 2nd of July: A mi no me llames / Don't dial my number. About the new TV spot campaign to make the drivers aware of the traffic accidents focused on the relatives pain when they receive a telephone call with that tragical news.

7 comentarios:

  1. Nice experiment! I'll keep an eye on your Saturday's posts ;-)

  2. May I publish The Cutre Blog Post?

  3. Very well, but i know your post yet. My Tailor is rich and the table is in the floor.

  4. Taylor, on the floor (ando un poco oxidado)

  5. Hi Iñaki...That you do experiments with the "QUIMICEFA", as has been done throughout the life of God!!!!!!!.
    The English that i know, is that of the translations of songs and the frustrated attempts by the reading of a booklet!!!.
    A million of kisses...HERO!!!.

  6. Good Morning Iñaki, what a surprise!! I don't know anything.
    Very well...

  7. Oh my god! Yesterday was a very traditional day, with my traditional family, not 2.0, just a couple of tweets from my Nokia and thats it's.

    So It's a great surprise have a look to so many comments from all of you. I think the experiment of write a brief of the week en english is very funny and very interesting... so, that is a good new: we keep doing Follow me on Saturda, so see you among the week, first in spanish and the saturday in english.

    Thank you, thank you so much!


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