
sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

Follow me on Saturday: My favorite things.

Welcome to the English version of SobreviviRRHHé! In Spanish RRHH stands for "Recursos Humanos" now traslated to the HR of "Human Resources".

Welcome to our very special summary of the week, a very fun way to explain to our foreign visitors what we were discussing this week.

Monday [24/01/2010]: These Romans are crazy?
The managing director of the Navarra Health Service has sent a resolution to the College of Pharmacists, the Directorate of Administration and Organization, Directorate of Primary Care and the Legal Service of Navarra Health Service and the General Secretariat Technical Assistance and Health Services Department of Health, which announced that, given the large number of recipes from other communities who are billed by pharmacies of municipalities of Navarra in recent years, establishing the illegality of their funding, except in cases of displaced patients or bystanders..
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Tuesday [25/01/2010]: Bad habits.
40% of women who are trying for a baby consumes 20% alcohol and smoking, despite the risks that may involve such practices as a nutritional study, which found" significant deficiencies "in the power of future mothers.
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Wednesday [26/01/2010]: The flight of the queen.
The flight of the queen is an irresistible novel about the strength that comes from the dark side of desire. Among Camargo, the powerful head of the leading newspaper in Buenos Aires, and Reina Remis, a young journalist to half her age, comes a passion that leads to a dangerous game of obsessions. The erotic intrigue and suspense populate this story of domination, corruption and instruments of power, to draw a final unpredictable ultimate consequence of the ambition and the present and the past of the protagonist.
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Thursday [27/01/2010]: Go for nothing, is nonsense.
What is clear is that if an old Spanish go to the doctor ten times while a Swedish only going two is that either because he was not served properly or whether because there was no reason for the visit by the patient ... we can only say that if there is going to go, but go for nothing is nonsense.
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Friday [21/01/2010]: Wet raining.

Yesterday we spoke with a humorous tone, about the problems of primary care, too much red tape and lack of consultation times that every professional has for each of their patients.
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The song of the week:

Julie Andrews – My Favorite Things

3 comentarios:

  1. esto me vendrá muy bien para practicar inglés....jeje llevo cuatro clases y un examen...

  2. Buenas Capi!!!!!!!!
    Hola Iña-quillo, me gustó tu post de ayer, de hecho tengo uno de hace unos días en la misma linea (Cuentame un cuento).
    Sigo con problemas para comentar en tu blog, no se que pasa que muchas veces se bloquea o peor, enpiezan ha abrirse ventanas de la página principal más rápido de lo que puedo cerrarlas hasta que me bloquea la RAM (hasta 150 ventanas).
    Bueno a ver si hay suerte hoy. Un abrazo.

  3. Que ven mi ojos, el capi y el E9, sólo falta que pase el maño por aquí a saludar, ya que todos nos conocimos desayunando en su mañosfera... que tiempos aquellos, verdad chicos!

    Rafa, siento que tengas problemillas para comentar, pero todos sabemos lo cabezota que eres, así que no cejes en tu empeño, que me da mucho gustito veros por aquí.


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