
sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

Help Yourself, Help Others #bigbluetest

Saturday again, we turn our review to English.

The Big Blue Test, a diabetes awareness program started by the nonprofit Diabetes Hands Foundation, takes place every November leading up to World Diabetes Day on Nov. 14. The campaign reinforces the importance of exercise in managing diabetes. People with diabetes are encouraged to do the Big Blue Test any day between November 1 and November 14 at midnight Pacific Time, by testing their blood sugar, getting active, testing again, and sharing the results online at bigbluetest.org.

Visit BigBlueTest.org before midnight Pacific Time, November 14, 2011 to do the Big Blue Test, share the experience and help us touch the lives of 8,000 people with diabetes in need.

"Exercise to help you - and help someone who really needs it get life-saving diabetes supplies," said Manny Hernandez, President of the Diabetes Hands Foundation. "And join us in spreading the word so we can help 7,999 more!"  

And remember that you have more options to enjoy English with us:

Enjoy the weekend!

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