
sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

Stressed in the city. #FmoS

Wellcome back to Follow me on Saturday #FmoS.

For more than three months we wrote our last post in English. And we have been busy and we could not spend time with the commitment we made almost a year ago to write in the language of Shakespeare.

But here we are again, with renewed energy ... and the excuse this week has given us a good friend of the house, which is none other than @raquel_br.

Stressed in the City: How Urban Life May Change Your Brain.

City dwellers tend to be more stressed and have higher levels of mood disorders and psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia than those living in rural or suburban areas. And now researchers say they have uncovered certain changes in brain activity that could potentially help explain why.

The researchers came to their conclusions after conducting a stress test on volunteers while their brains were imaged with functional MRI to detect which areas of the brain were more or less active when the participants felt stressed. The stress was applied by asking people to solve difficult math problems, either under time pressure or while enduring criticism from researchers for their bad performance.

Read more: http://healthland.time.com/2011/06/22/stressed-in-the-city-how-urban-life-may-change-your-brain/#ixzz1QETSPBen

I've never lived in a big city, and now more than ever, apparently seen in this study, I am very, very happy to be born in a small town like Astigarraga (Basque Country), living in a small town like Andosilla (Navarra) and to educate my two children in a rural setting, surrounded by birds and without a single traffic light in the whole town, lol ...

A song for this saturday: Guns N' Roses – Paradise City

2 comentarios:

  1. in english again? aaarrrhhhhgggg!!!
    i speak espaninglish indio, jaujaujau
    kiss for you

  2. My English isn't very good, neither but is funny make an effort once per week, jajaja...

    Thanks for coming!


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