
sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

It´s breakfast time.

Welcome to a new section in SobreviviRRHHé!

I'll try to write a weekly post in English, every Saturday, no cheating, using the Google Translator to a minimun.

Don't be too cruel with me, please!

The idea is to get a history in English, primarily related to health, and do as we do the rest of the week on the blog, make our comments in a funny way.

And how could it be otherwise, we begin with a story that sent us a few days ago our very good friend @manyez: Rethinking the Big Breakfast.
Many dieters believe that eating a big breakfast will help prevent overeating at lunch and dinner. But new research suggests that how much or little you eat for breakfast doesn’t change your eating at other meals.
As we have already bundled, years and years thinking that breakfast is the most important meal, thinking that you have to eat a good breakfast, a light lunch and dinner in moderation, and now it goes and it doesn't matter..

From now on, I personally I'm going to eat a big breakfast, a big lunch and a big dinner...

Why not? Because I'm worth it, jajaja...

Supertramp – Breakfast In America

7 comentarios:

  1. I usually have a big breakfast, because I wake up at 6.30 and I have lunch at 4.00 pm. In the morning I'm very busy and I have no time to eat something.

  2. Hello my brave friend. Congratulations for your idea. My english is horrible but we will have to practice. Tomorrow we´ll see a great match R. Madrid - Real Sociedad. Good luck.

  3. I´m the worse professional, because my breakfast consist in a cup of coffe.

  4. acabo de almorzar, en castellano o español, cuando me enseñe en inglés, ya te lo traduciré...jeje
    Jamón, tostadica, aceite sal y tomate, ummmmmm..
    que bueno....jajajajajajajajajajajaja
    un saludo

  5. A mi me pasa lo que al Capi., aunque creo que con la guerra que me están dando los oidos me veo aprendiendo el lenguaje de los signos .... como eso no afecta al ordenador (al menos por ahora) pues he desayunado:
    leche con colacao y una magdalena
    Es que me levanté muuuuuuuy tarde jeje

  6. Thanks for all of you, and welcome to my English experiment, jajaja...

    My breakfast use to be an orange juice and a couple of fruits, not so much but I wake up always with no enought time to do it properly, jajaja...

  7. Iñaki yo también te quiero...
    ya tomaremos un zumico juntos...jeje
    Juana me has sorprendido, yo que creí que hablabas miles de idiomas...jeje


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